Hereford Juniors Build on their Leadership Development in Texas
April 17, 2024

KANSAS CITY, Mo. — “It’s about doing the little things that lead to the championship and empowering others around us, so that when we rise, we raise everyone around us.”
World champion rodeo athlete Tyson Durfey posed that challenge to National Junior Hereford Association (NJHA) members attending the Building On Leadership Development (BOLD) Conference in Desdemona, Texas, April 4-7.
BOLD has quickly become an NJHA staple. It is designed for selected college-aged junior Hereford members seeking opportunities to expand their leadership skills. The conference focuses on improving personal leadership, providing career opportunities and cultivating life-long relationships.
“I saw myself change over the days, especially with the focus on our internal leadership and how our mindset is so influential to who we are as a leader,” says Maddie Weaber, Wamego, Kan., one of 20 BOLD conference attendees.
The impact Weaber mentions is an example of personal growth yielded by leadership workshops curated and hosted by the NJHA board of directors. Workshops included “Looking Internal at Your Leadership,” “Yourself as a Leader Moving Forward” and “What are You Doing with Your Leadership?”
“Be BOLD, be you and prepare yourself for the future,” encouraged Logan McFatridge, NJHA Membership Chair.
BOLD is graciously hosted by Gary and Kathy Buchholz at their Hi Point Ranch.
Along with inspirational speakers and workshops, BOLD featured a panel of career professionals from GKB Cattle, PepsiCo, Priefert and Purina Animal Nutrition. Attendees participated in a variety of leadership and career-building activities including resume writing and mock job interviews. They received personal mentorship throughout the conference.
Tyler Norvell, managing partner of Norvell Consulting LLC, Oklahoma City stressed the importance of self-awareness as young leaders look beyond themselves to embrace the opportunity and responsibility of being agricultural advocates.
Norvell, who also serves as executive director of the Oklahoma Youth Expo and Cattlemen’s Congress explained, “To whom much is given, much is expected. You’re been given a huge opportunity this weekend, this incredible what you’ve been given the opportunity to do, and shame on you if you don’t take advantage of it.”
The National Junior Hereford Association (NJHA) is one of the largest, strongest and most active junior cattle programs in the country. Over the years, members of this association have gone on to earn international and domestic respect as models for youth organizational success. The NJHA, through its extensive educational programs, continues to lay the foundation for the beef industry’s future leaders. The traditions of the past coupled with the energy of today’s board of directors have created a progressive approach to further develop a meaningful and educational association focus.