“We are proud and excited about the educational opportunities involving Hereford youth,” said Bob Norton, BioZyme CEO. “Feed the Future was created to support the HYFA academic component, where education extends beyond the classroom. BioZyme firmly believes in activities and experiences that are engaging, relevant and expose our young folks to new opportunities. The Hereford Fed Steer Shootout is such a program providing knowledge about the industry from a commercial perspective to perhaps a different audience than the show circuit.”
In year two, the Fed Steer Shootout more than doubled in size and participation. Thirty-seven youth from 13 states entered 149 steers in the Fed Steer Shootout program. Throughout the program, contestants had the opportunity to collect actual feed yard performance and carcass merit data, ultimately learning about the importance of ultrasound technology, genetics and health. All steers were fed at Gregory Feedlots in Tabor, Iowa, managed by David Trowbridge.