Livestock Marketeers Offer New Scholarship

May 15, 2024

Livestock Marketeers Offer New Scholarship

Kansas City, Mo. - Livestock Marketeers — an organization of livestock marketing professionals — will award a $1,250 scholarship to a college-age student interested in pursuing a career in the livestock marketing industry. Applicants must be affiliated with a beef breed or cattle organization. Applications — due June 1 — are available at

“This scholarship was created to help cultivate the next generation of livestock marketing professionals. On behalf of the Livestock Marketeers we are proud to do our part to further the education and help develop careers in our industry,” says Colt Keffer, CK Sales and Marketing and scholarship committee member.

The inaugural Livestock Marketeers Scholarship was established at the organization’s annual Hall of Fame Banquet last year. Livestock Marketeers gathered $23,000 from its members to begin the scholarship fund. They aim to double the fund and create an endowed annual scholarship.

The Livestock Marketeers scholarship fund is managed by the Hereford Youth Foundation of America (HYFA). Contributions to the fund can be made via The inaugural Livestock Marketeers Scholarship winner will be announced later this summer.


Livestock Marketeers was established in 1965. It promotes the livestock marketing industry and recognizes the efforts of individual professionals within the industry.